====== Start! ====== Not sure what I'll do here. Was planning to move everything from mediawiki but most that seems to belong on Attempted Wisdom. Fired up [[https://netwiki.davenoonan.com/|NetWiki]] and put another DokuWiki install there to hold the work stuff. Maybe keep reading and projects here and reading can crossover when it's philosophical in nature. 🤷🏻‍♂️ ---- ===== Choosing a Template ===== * dokuwiki - the default template * Settled here for the time being. 🤷‍♀️ * ad-hominem * Using is on the other site. * Hate that it puts page/site tools at the bottom and the Trace in the sidebar. * dokubook * Copies MediaWiki, which I'm used to and moving from. * BlockQuote doesn't work. * Needs a logo. * peanutbutter 👎 * Puts all the controls in a tiny sidebar that I can't see. * Panorama Cake 👎 * The BlockQuote plugin doesn't like it. * The TOC doesn't float like it should. :-( ===== DokuWiki Edit Hack ===== The following can be used as a bookmarklet to edit the current DokuWiki page. Useful if your template puts the edit link at the bottom. 😕 javascript:window.location.href=window.location.href.split('#')[0]+'?do=edit%27;